Curatorial Consultancy

Monthly Fee: $1700 (4-month minimum)

I work with art galleries, cultural organizations and university departments on the development of research environments, production intensives, special topic courses, artist residencies, and organizational strategies. These will often result in public engagement formats such as exhibitions, event series, discussions, learning contexts, and publications. My work as a curatorial consultant seeks to enhance the goals of the client to create platforms and organizational structure that imaginatively expand the goals of existing initiatives and organizations.

The monthly fee covers:

  • unlimited in person or online meetings and emails for conceptual development, logistical coordination, and follow ups on in-progress work;
  • 10 hours a week of independent working on program development, research, and coordination (or 40 hours per month / 160 hours per 4-month period, distributed as necessary by the client for the particularities of the project)
  • execution of up to five public-facing activities or events per four-month period;
  • the fee does not cover expenses related to production such as travel, accommodation, or equipment rental, which will be discussed and budgeted for at the beginning of the process;
  • to ensure dedication to the client’s projects, I will take on up to two Curatorial Consultancy projects per four-month period, allowing me to have the time and focus to develop original methods and deliver on organizational deadlines;
  • resulting projects will be owned fully by the client, with an included credit that the work has been “produced with Neven Lochhead.”