Knot Project Space hosted a screening of the riveting observational documentary by renowned American filmmaker Kevin Jerome Everson, Tonsler Park (2017). The 80-minute black and white film takes place over the course of November 8th, 2016, Election Day in the U.S in Charlottesville, Virginia. With an unflinching gaze, Everson fixes his camera upon a group of public officials, mainly African-American women, capturing them working at a polling station on the eve of the election’s outcome.
Kevin Jerome Everson
Kevin Jerome Everson (b.1965 Mansfield, Ohio) lives and works in Charlottesville, Virginia. He holds a MFA from Ohio University, and a BFA from the University of Akron, and is Professor of Art at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Everson was awarded the 2012 Alpert Award for Film/Video. His films has been the subject of mid-career retrospectives at the Tate Modern (Fall 2017); Modern and Contemporary Art Museum, Seoul, Korea (February 2017); Viennale (2014); Visions du Reel, Nyon, Switzerland (2012), The Whitney Museum of American Art, NY (2011) and Centre Pompidou, Paris in 2009. His work has been featured at the 2008, 2012, and 2017 Whitney Biennials and the 2013 Sharjah Biennial. Everson will co-curate the 2018 Flaherty Seminar with writer/curator Greg DeCuir Jr.